Reach for the Stars, Reach for the Sky


i like my body when it is with your
body. It is so quite a new thing.
Muscles better and nerves more.
i like your body. i like what it does,
i like its hows. i like to feel the spine
of your body and its bones, and the trembling
-firm-smooth ness and which I will
again and again and again
kiss, i like kissing this and that of you,
i like, slowly stroking the, shocking fuzz
of your electric fur, and what-is-it comes
over parting flesh...And eyes big love-crumbs,

and possibly i like the thrill
of under me you quite so new 

- e.e. cummings

It has been a long time since I've felt so starry-eyed. In the throes of the most crushing crush. I'm dangerously toeing that line near head-over-heels.

Life continues to be completely, utterly, totally incredible. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

Posted on February 24, 2014 and filed under Dating.

The End of the Winter Lonelies

Cabin fever: be gone.

Cabin fever: be gone.

My dating ban, my hiatus, my celibacy pact to myself: I called it off.

Why? Well, to restrain myself from attempting to meet somebody, I had to literally hole myself up. I had to place myself in social quarantine.

That kind of isolation goes against the fundamental grain of my personality. I crave interaction with other humans. I go stir crazy almost immediately. I can't be held down. Trapped anywhere. Think you get cabin fever? You have no idea what you're talking about.

During this break of a few weeks, I got a lot of reading done, and spent much more time than usual being domesticated. I started hanging out more with my girlfriends, doing teenaged slumber party activities. My single person spirit guide and I even invented a new game. Sounds like it wasn't so bad, yeah?

But then the crazies started coming out of the woodwork. In spades.

People I haven't spoken to in years. People I had met only once. Exes who'd sworn they never wanted to speak to me again. Friends who were clearly situated in friend-zone territory. Most surprisingly: guys I had met on OkCupid and hadn't heard from in several weeks.

Something about the particularly harsh winter set off whatever it is in men's brains that causes them to seek out their own little polar vortex. For snuggling, against the chill of the real polar vortex swirling outside.

I had to start keeping a list. I kept track until I had up to seven awkward conversations. (It's in my nature to want to immediately diffuse all awkward situations at all times, but yikes, there is a limit!)

I had to be clever with how I would rebuff advances, "I'm in a pretty serious relationship right now."

Oh really?

"Yeah. We're engaged."


"Food and I are very happy. Great to hear from you!"

But FINALLY, fortunately, these magic moments have faded away. 

Which means everyone is starting to thaw out of Winter Lonely mode. Which means everyone is past Woe Is Me Valentine's Day Is Coming mode. Which means I think I will stop being the sidekick, the good sport, the wingman, and finally take my love life back on center stage.

Steel yourself. I sense more insane stories to unfold here shortly.

Posted on February 18, 2014 and filed under Dating.

Brunch: A Breakdown

The Morning-After brunch is a real, legit thing. In fact, I have an unspoken standing date every single weekend with a rotating cast of girlfriends and gays to catch up on Sunday or Saturday mornings to discuss the previous evening's exploits.

Here are some snippets from a single such meal. I can't even make up the things that are discussed at these meetings.

One of my girls is late. The waiter decides to have a little fun and tell her that the rest of us had taken two tequila shots, each. And that she must do the same. She seriously considers it, before chastising us.

"You guys are crazy! That's what strippers drink!"

We just look at each other. I belly laughed. Because isn't that what everybody drinks? Also, who calls their friends strippers as an insult, really?


One drink in, one lady questions what she should do about a long-lingering flirtation. With a guy she clearly is interested in, and the feeling is mutual.

Cue eye rolls.

"You are SO Jane Austen-ing your life right now."

(Seriously ladies, stop it with Operation Play It Cool. Stop it with the swooning and mooning, and just go for it, yeah? We are in the era of Independent Womanhood. Get it.)

I thought that would have done it--go for it, case closed--but she continues the same discussion, and we're all forced to chime in. The consensus is that she is Doing It Wrong.

"Stop cockblocking yourself."

"You should just touch his penis. Just touch it. For our sakes'."

(Having a friend that is the "Samantha"? That is also a real, legit thing.)


Two drinks in, we discuss a different guy. He's really good on paper: great job, fantastic taste in date locales, sophisticated, well-dressed; but there is zero physical chemistry. Girlfriend is on the fence. She explains what she thinks is his pickup artist strategy:

"I think I figured it out. How he gets all these girls. I think he just slowly wears them down. With fancy meals and good taste."

Cue more eye rolls.

"...You make him sound like a serial killer."

"Just keep going on dates with him. What's the harm? He sounds kind of awesome."

She doesn't buy into it. Keeps framing him as a diamond in the rough. One she doesn't want to find.

"I mean, but maybe...I've found the unicorn, right?"

"...but you don't want to ride it."

"Ugh! Just touch it! Through his pants."

I followed up on all of the above the following week. Nothing was touched.

It's kind of amazing how many requests I get for dating advice. The likelihood of me saying, "Just touch it," is fairly high. The likelihood of me telling my friend to give the guy a chance is also high. Good luck out there, bachelors! I'm totally on your side.

Posted on February 12, 2014 and filed under Dating.

Rather, Exclusively Dateable

So I've received a lot of concerned comments from friends since I started the Undateable series of posts.

It is a joke.

Yesterday, an especially sweet friend chided me, telling me I am rather, actually, "exclusively dateable."

Let's clear the air: I'm not fishing for compliments. I'm not filled with despair or low self-esteem. I'm not doomed to never date again (should I ever choose to, my choice!).

I will illustrate how I mean this, with a real world example. I actually had this dilemma yesterday.

You realize the outfit you want to wear calls for two pairs of hands to get dressed. A roommate or significant other to ask, "Hey! Can you help me zip this?" 

You get it half zipped. You're stuck. 

Do you:

A. Burst into tears while yanking the dress back over your head, breaking the zipper, opting for a different option better suited for your spinsterhood.

B. Shrug, throw on a cardigan, planning on pulling a friend into the ladies' room to help you out once at the office.

C. Think about it for a moment, breathe, remember you are flexible enough through your shoulders and calmly zip that shit yourself.

My answer is C.

I'm not undateable in that I am a horrible, annoying, intolerable person by any means. I'm "undateable" in that I am too independent. Assertive. Confident. Ambitious. Outspoken. And generally intimidating.

I solve my own problems. I will never be a damsel in distress.

Essentially, I would make one hell of a bachelor. 

Posted on January 29, 2014 and filed under Dating.

Reason #4

Text from one of my closest guy friends, when discussing someone I am interested in romantically:

Dude: Is he real Jinah? Is he an operating system?

Me: OS 1.


Posted on January 27, 2014 and filed under Dating.

The Week in Photos: 1/20 - 1/26

I tried my hardest to have a quiet weekend at home. Get a lot of reading in, write some articles I've been meaning to pitch, avoid encountering the Winter Lonelies.

As usual, that didn't happen. My friends like me too much. I like them too much. Can I really complain about being kidnapped for hours in the name of love? I don't think I can.

Posted on January 26, 2014 and filed under Photography.

Reason #3

Disclaimer: he was hot. I was bored. I may have also been drunk OkCupiding.


Dude:  Hello there

Dude:  You like kissing huh?

Me:  Oh, hi! Duh, who doesn't like kissing? Oh I know, assholes.

Dude:  Hahaha hello cutie. Yes. One day lets kiss then cutie

Me:  What, no foreplay? Is cuddling negotiable?

Dude:  Oh don't worry lots of foreplay and cuddling

Me:  How many pillows? How many blankets? Socks or no socks? It is goddamn cold.

Dude:  Lots of both plus lots of nakedness

Me:  Oh my! I like your messages, keep them coming (NOTE: this is where I am mistaken)

Dude:  I like your face and wanna see you naked. Hump you hard.

Dude:  5555555555. Text me a sexy pic girl

Me:  [texts a photo of cats, in space, with pizza]


Posted on January 25, 2014 and filed under Dating.

Reason #2

At my apartment, after a night out.

"Let me slip into something a little more comfortable."

I change into a flannel pajama set, matching top and bottom, printed with puppies.

(Unsexy and thus) Undateable.

Posted on January 24, 2014 and filed under Dating.